Review: Paleo on the Go
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Last Updated on September 26, 2023
I was recently contacted by Paleo on the Go, a company that provides fully cooked meals (and real deal bone broth) all in compliance with the Paleo diet, asking if I would review two of their entrees. I wouldn’t normally pay attention to such a request, as my diet is so limited, it’s nearly impossible for me to find AIP compliant meals – that is, until they happily informed me I could choose two options from their AIP menu if I would like. Oh that would be a “yes!”.
Funny thing about receiving this request, was that back in January it was my birthday and I was JUST saying how nice it would be if on special occasions, such as MY BIRTHDAY, I could have a meal that is completely AIP compliant, cooked by ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF. Prior to autoimmune disease and AIP, my husband used to take me to my favorite local restaurant. Of course, since AIP diet came into play, I simply cannot eat a thing there. (I miss you white bean fondue with toast points and cultured veggies…sniff.)
As I began to peruse POTG’s website and menu plans, I became pleasantly surprised – shocked actually – that the food not only looked really, really good but that I could eat with confidence, not fearing a reaction or autoimmune flare.
There were several items I wanted to try, but I decided to order something a little swanky that I might enjoy for a special occasion, and something a little more down-to-earth that I could eat every day. I have to say – both were quite delicious. The POTG delivery came in a large box with a styrofoam cooler inside. It contained dry ice with clear warnings on how to handle (or not handle) the dry ice. The food was packaged in vacuum sealed bags labeled very clearly with the ingredients and how best to reheat.
Duck Confit with Sour Cherry Compote
I ordered the duck as my swanky entree. One of the things about POTG that really impresses me, is their use of pastured meats. The ingredients for this entree are: pastured duck quarters, duck fat, onion, garlic, thyme, sea salt, dried cherries, maple syrup, balsamic vinegar and arrowroot. They give a few options on how you can reheat. I chose to thaw my entrees in the refrigerator, then the following day I took the contents out of the bag, placed it in a glass oven-proof dish, and baked it on a low temperature in my toaster oven to heat through.
The flavors in this dish were amazing! The sweetness of the cherries and maple syrup coupled with the savory of the garlic and thyme were nothing short of genius. My only regret is that the fat hadn’t completely rendered on the duck quarters and the skin wasn’t crispy. I think I could achieve this on a reheat at a higher temp, or perhaps a lower temp to start, and then finishing with a higher temp or broil it, watching carefully that it not burn or overcook.
Bacon-Apple Chicken Burger with Maple-Cranberry Sauce
The next entree I chose was labeled “from the Kitchen of The Paleo” (whose Perfect Paleo Pancake recipe is the base for my Chicken and Waffles).
The ingredients were as follows: ground chicken, bacon, onion, apple, rosemary, sea salt, bacon fat, frozen cranberries, maple syrup, and water. I used the same method to reheat as I did for the duck listed above.
Again, the flavors in this dish were so amazing. I love the savory/sweet thing that it had going on but I wish I would have reheated it on a lower oven temp for less time. I dried the patties out just a tad.
I “allowed” my teenagers to taste both of these entrees and they were very enthusiastic that both were delicious. My son went on and on about the chicken burger especially.
Final Thoughts
I come into contact with a lot of people who are being introduced to either a Paleo lifestyle or the AIP diet for specific health concerns. Many of them have the same distraught groanings “I’m in the kitchen all the time!”. I can see POTG being a really great option for people like this who are either overwhelmed at new lifestyle changes and need a back up or “fill-in” to some weekly meals, or a person who works outside of the home, is on the go or traveling a lot, but would still like to stay on track with their diet.
I’m in a place where I’m used to the cooking, the fermenting, the bone-brothing, so I would be more inclined to use POTG as a night off or special occasion go-to meal option. Keeping some entries on hand in the freezer would be really nice so when those opportunities present themselves, I’m already prepared.
Lastly, I have to mention something POTG does that I think is absolutely wonderful. BONE BROTH. And not just ANY bone broth – they have Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth AND Certified Organic Free Range Chicken Bone Broth, both of which are cooked 48 hours to get the most nutrient density possible. Bone broth is a rock star for healing the gut lining as well as strengthening and building the immune system. What a great option to have this on hand during an autoimmune flare (does anyone ever feel well enough to make bone broth during a flare?) or to use in soups, stews, or to drink straight up.
Finally, I would like to mention I was not paid or compensated in any way to write a review for POTG. They did provide two meals on them – much to my delight. After enjoying said meals, I decided to become an affiliate with them. POTG links and widgets are affiliate in nature.