Heat a large saute pan with straight sides to medium. Add olive oil, then onion, carrots, and celery. Saute until veggies soften.
Add ground chuck and sausage and stir, breaking up with a wooden spoon, until meat is cooked through.
Remove pan from heat and stir in garlic for about 30 seconds. Return to heat.
Add pureed tomatoes. Fill the tomato can about half way with water, sloshing it around so it gets all of the tomato that is clinging to the can. Add water to pan, along with Chardonnay.
Stir well. Tilt cover on top of pan to allow some steam to escape.
Turn heat to low, allowing bolognese to simmer, and cook for about an hour.
Next, add cashew milk, salt, and pepper to taste.
Stir and continue to cook without covering if it needs to thicken up a bit.